8 Easy Vegetables for the Lazy Gardener

Want to garden but don’t always have time to do so? Good news for you! There are lots of vegetables that you can grow without putting in so much effort. Here are some easy-to-grow crops that you should have in your garden now.

Leafy greens are one of the best choices when it comes to easy gardening. They’re super simple to maintain and they’re usually ready to harvest in just about three to four weeks. Lettuce and kale are great for starters.

Herbs are another option to consider. New gardeners often start out by planting herbs indoors and have had success with it.

These aromatic plants are very low-maintenance and easy to grow, making it suitable even for the busiest of gardeners. You’ll be amazed at how simple and beneficial it is to maintain an herb garden at home!

For more details on what other veggies you can grow easily, go ahead and read the list below. Don’t forget to share this post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest today!

8 Easy Vegetables for the Lazy Gardener

1. Greens
Leafy greens like arugula, kale, lettuce and spinach are great for beginner gardeners. They mature in three to four weeks and harvesting is so simple; just snip the tops of the plant or pick leaves as needed.

2. Beets
These are a cool-season crop. They can survive frost and near freezing temperatures. Early crops can be planted in March or April. Formanova beets are excellent for canning.

3. Herbs
Herbs like rosemary, mint, sage, oregano, parsley and basil are all easy to grow. Planting basil next to tomatoes is said to improve the growth and flavor of your tomatoes and repel insects. These herbs grow well as a transplant or from seeds.

4. Garlic
Garlic can be planted in the spring, as soon as the ground is thawed enough, but it’s recommended that you plant in the fall and harvest the next summer.

5. Potatoes
Plant late February or early March. To harvest, use a spade to gently dig into the soil on the outside edges of the plant, carefully lift the plant and grab the potatoes that you want. Put the plant back in place and water. Allow harvested potatoes to cure in cool temperatures – 45-60 F – for several days to two weeks.

6. Onions
They require lots of sun and good drainage, but if you can dig a tiny hole in the ground, you can grow onions. You can grow them from seedlings, bulbs or even discarded onion bottoms.

7. Carrots
You need to have loose, rich soil – free of stones – so the carrots can grow properly. Carrots are a cool-weather crop; in really warm areas, plant your carrots in fall or winter. They’ll take one to three weeks to sprout. Carrots get tastier as they grow, so harvest as soon as they’re big enough to eat or leave them to mature.

8. Green Beans
You can plant your pole beans against a fence and they’ll grow just fine. String beans prefer sun and well-drained soil and grow quickly; just make sure to regularly harvest or it will stop producing new beans.

Article Source: 104homestead.com