Top 5 Reasons to Grow Heirloom Seeds Today

What are heirloom seeds, you ask? Well, in the simplest sense, they are seeds that are carefully saved by gardeners year after year, and have been passed down from generation to generation—just like an heirloom.

One generation meticulously selects, grows and saves the seeds and then entrusts them to the next generation so as to preserve the value of the plants.

This process is actually quite a tradition since many organic heirloom seeds have been passed down for a hundred years or so.

Why Choose Heirloom Seeds?
There are several reasons why people choose to preserve these seeds. As previously mentioned, they are extremely valuable—they often carry the greatest flavors and make the best produce, especially in backyard gardens. Heirloom tomato seeds in particular are very popular among households because they’re super easy to grow and preserve. Let’s take a closer look at the top reasons why heirlooms are treasured by home gardeners.

Reason #1: Heirloom Seeds are Easy to Grow
Yes, they’re incredibly simple to grow! Even if you’re still learning what heirloom seeds are, you can easily sprout, grow and nurture heirloom plants at home without being an expert. Just follow the instructions provided by your chosen brand and you’ll soon grow a fine garden that you can be proud of.

Reason #2: Heirloom Seeds are a Healthy Choice
Heirloom seeds are extremely good for your family’s health because they are:

  • Non-GMO – or not genetically modified in laboratories
  • Non-Hybrid – or pure seeds that have not been crossbred with any type of plant to make sure they stay true to their original variety
  • Open-Pollinated – the seeds come from plants that are pollinated through birds, bees and other natural means; this helps create more generations of the plants and prevents cross-pollination
  • Pesticide-Free – they don’t contain any toxic chemicals that are harmful to your health

They are meticulously selected by breeders for their superior genetic traits, such as quality, freshness and great taste. Then they are handed down to the succeeding generations in order to preserve their specific qualities. This means when you sow an heirloom seed today, you can be sure to harvest only the best fruits and vegetables that your family deserves.

Reason #3: Heirloom Seeds Come in Many Varieties
Greater variety is also another reason. Because heirloom seeds are so carefully picked, only the best and most reliable varieties are being passed on to the next generations. This naturally guarantees better and more flavorful crops than your average seeds.

Reason #4: Heirloom Seeds Can be Used for Emergencies & Basic Survival
Heirloom seeds also function as survival seeds. Many gardeners purchase them for this purpose so that they’ll always have a food supply in times of emergencies. The seeds are rich in protein, which means they can provide the nutrition and stamina you need especially when disaster strikes. All you have to do is sprout the seeds and you’ll be able to feed your loved ones in doomsday situations where food is inaccessible and health is vital.

Reason #5: Heirloom Seeds are Practical & Cost-Efficient
They’re also practical because they provide an infinite seed supply and food source for a lifetime. Simply preserve the seeds that come from your harvests, keep them in pickle jars, and you can use them for many decades to come! You can even save money because you won’t have to buy new seeds at the beginning of every season.


Try Heirloom Seeds Today
So those are the basic things you need to know about heirloom seeds. Be sure not to miss out on these amazing benefits by getting a quality seeds pack that offer several varieties. This way, you’re sure to grow only the best seeds for your home garden!