20 Useful Tips for the Novice Organic Gardener

First time starting an organic garden? Congratulations! You’ve made the right choice. Organic gardening is the most natural way to garden, and it guarantees fresh, safe and delicious foods for you and the whole family.

To help you get started, consider these four main aspects to organic gardening:

1. Site Selection – start with a small space that’s accessible and gets at least 6 hours of sun daily.

2. Soil – test your soil first before planting, use organic compost and avoid plowing.

3. Planting Your Garden – plant veggies that your family likes, choose organic seed varieties and follow the packet instructions.

4. Watering – water early in the day, do not under/over-water your plants and avoid splashing soil onto the leaves.

To learn more about each of these key points, read on and apply the 20 organic gardening beginner tips below. Don’t forget to share this infographic on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

Image Source: NorthCarolinaHealth.com