23 Common Vegetables and Their Best Companion Plants
Before you begin growing your organic vegetables, there are certain key points to keep in mind. Apart from the soil condition, plant nutrition, fertilizer, and lighting needs, there’s also the proper placement of your vegetables.
Just like people, there are certain vegetables that go well with others—and some that don’t. For example, if you’re planting some asparagus, you’ll want to grow it along with basil, tomato and parsley. But putting it within the vicinity of onions, garlic and potatoes could bring disastrous results because these plants simply aren’t compatible with asparagus.
Companion planting offers so many benefits. When you put two compatible plants together, they can easily repel pests, prevent plant diseases, and even help each other thrive in the garden. But when two incompatible plants meet, the exact opposite happens and you’ll end up with unhealthy plants instead.
To prevent this from happening, you should know which plants go with which so you can create a more harmonious home garden. Refer to this basic companion planting chart now for more information. You can share it on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest as well by clicking on the share buttons below.
Image Source: Surviving Global Recession