Make the Best Natural Insecticides for Your Organic Garden!

You’ve probably heard a lot about these various insecticide products that claim to kill all garden pests in an instant. Yes, that may be true but remember that these commercial insecticides will only cause harm to your beloved plants. So as a responsible gardener, what’s the best course of action you can do?

Many organic gardeners suggest creating your own natural insecticides so you can get rid of the pests without affecting the health and development of the plants. To make a very simple homemade insecticide, you’ll just need a pitcher of water and some garlic. Just mash or ground the garlic and then add them to the water. Stir for few seconds, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and you’re good to go!

You can also make an easy and effective insecticide using chili pepper. Following the same process mentioned above, just mix the chili pepper with water and stir for a bit. Once it’s ready, you can go ahead and spray it on your plants to keep the pests away.

As you can see, creating your own natural insecticides is super easy! To get more homemade insect repellent recipes, please watch this quick video below.

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Video Source: eHowgarden YouTube Channel