DIY Gardening Project: Create Your Own Harvest Basket

Baskets are great containers especially for harvesting your favorite vegetables and fruits. They can be bought at any stores near you, but if you don’t want to buy for now, then you can always make one of your own. It’s very easy to make!

The basic materials you need are some wood, net wire, super glue, pencil, measuring tools, shears, saw, screws, and a stapler. But before doing anything else, be sure to prepare a template or pattern you want to follow for easy reference.

So, the first step is to trace the template on the wood. Don’t forget to take some measurements so you can cut them correctly. After cutting the wood, connect each part by using glue and then screw them afterwards to ensure they won’t break apart.

For the basement (the area where you put the crops), attach the net to the wood by stapling it on each side. For the handle, you can cut some wood into sticks and nail them to the sides of the basket. Lastly, add some varnish for finishing.

And that’s it. Pretty easy, huh? This quick video below will demonstrate the steps so be sure to watch it. Feel free to share this with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!

Video Source: Above the Shop Studios YouTube Channel