DIY Project: Making a Homemade Pesticide for Your Garden

Bad pests are one of the common causes of unsuccessful gardening. Not only do they eat up your plants but they also have the ability to ruin the whole garden that you’re worked hard for.

They are considered the number-one enemy of home gardeners because they’re extremely destructive and difficult to get rid of. While using commercial pesticides will easily take care of the task, this is not an option to consider if you have an organic garden.

Most commercial products are not certified organic, and can therefore be toxic to your vegetable plants. To be on the safe side, try making your own homemade organic pesticide so you can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the solution.

This wonderful tutorial from Dom’s Green Thumb demonstrates how to make a homemade pesticide using simple materials like a spray bottle, funnel, strainer, jalapeno pepper, onion, garlic, some dish soap and a pot of water. Watch it now to get the full instructions!

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Video Source: DomsGreenThumb Youtube Channel