Houseplant Lighting Guide: 3 Key Factors to Know About Indoor Plant Lighting

Houseplants are great because they provide oxygen, naturally clean your indoor air, and give an aesthetic appeal to your home as well. But in order to reap the amazing benefits of your houseplants, you need to take proper care of them and meet their lighting requirements.

So, how do you give your indoor plants the right amount of light? Well, you have to consider three things: light intensity, light duration, and light quality. These three main factors will help you determine how much light your houseplants need on a daily basis.

Light intensity is the amount of brightness that your plants get. Cardinal direction, season, surroundings and obstructions, and weather all affect this first factor.

Light duration means the number of hours of exposure your plants receive. Around 14-16 hours is usually enough for most indoor plants.

Finally, we have light quality. This refers to the wavelengths of light or, simply put, the type of lights you should use on your plants. Incandescent, fluorescent and cool white are the top choices for indoor plant maintenance.

To learn more about each of these factors, check out this infographic and remember to share it on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter today!

Image Source: University of Illinois Extension