How Does Gardening Make You Happy?

If you ask an avid gardener why they love gardening, you'll probably get a hundred reasons. One reason is never enough because gardening brings so much happiness and inspiration into one’s life! It teaches you so many things about nature, sustainability, community, as well as love. It teaches you the ways of life, that’s why people are easily drawn into this hobby.

Since gardening is known for being an incredible source of happiness, we wanted to know what exactly about it gives joy to people. We asked our followers on The Happy Gardening Life to share their thoughts on the topic, and they gave such beautiful and insightful answers! We were so impressed that we compiled the best answers for other gardeners to read and be inspired. Check out the amazing stories below!

How Does Gardening Make You Happy?

1. Gardening allows me to turn off from work and stress and just mellow out. It’s my happy place.
— @kr304

2. Gardening makes me happy by allowing me to nurture life and wonder in its little miracles every day.
— @alwaysacountrygirl

3. The miracle itself brings me peace. Seeds fascinate me!
— @kp_topping

4. Gardening allows me to be creative in nature!
— @pzeid

5. Sinking in to the soil, the feel and the smell of it, just erases all kinds of stress.
— @bodaciousgirl

6. Working in the dirt is satisfying and soothing.
— @mrs._the_mark

7. I connect best with God when I’m working the garden and I see the miracle of growth from a tiny seed.
— @lisareederdavis

8. It’s peaceful and rewarding. It makes me feel happy and also reminds me to be patient. Just watching the plants grow from tiny, little sprouts to big, beautiful plants is incredibly satisfying, and it makes you feel so good.
— @kmhlove

9. It is my peace, it grounds and connects me with nature. It is my therapy of positive energy.
— @7lotus.spirit7

10. It’s the miracle of life! A teeny tiny spec grows into something large and beautiful!
— @countrymousecityhouse

11. It gets me up early! It is like Christmas morning as a child. You wake up super excited to see what nature has left for you! It provides me with an escape and peaceful serenity, sense of pride and the joy of knowing I am growing good, healthy, organic food for my family.
— @14betweengardener

12. It allows me to forget all my stress from everyday life. It’s given my son and me something exciting to bond over. He loves that we can grow our own food!
— @meanie_mena

13. The plants give little gifts of incredible power. The symbiotic relationship generates this awareness of life within us all. There is a far greater chance of finding inner peace through gardening.
— @skylereatsghosts

14. It’s a magical moment every morning. It connects me with a strong and delicious energy.
— @lu_farhat

15. Because gardening is just pure magic.
— @slowlivingireland

16. I’ve been a competitive person my whole life. Gardening allows me to compete with myself. I strive for perfection and whatever the result of that is, I take it to the next level year after year after year.
— @newengland_steward

17. I plant a seed. Something beautiful grows. Simplicity. Peace. Hard work. Beauty.

18. I love seeing how powerful the nature is, how we are all connected.
— @bthapal

19. It makes me feel like I am doing something so great by digging the soil, and the smell makes me feel wonderful.
— @anikdpatel

20. I do it for myself. I love to see the colors of the flowers and the dog in the dirt and what a high when you pick your first round of veggies! But my heart smiles when my neighbors mention how much they like to walk by and see all the flowers and foliage!
— @godessm2

21. I often hear people say why do you put so much work into gardening when you can buy the fruits and veggies for cheap. It’s not about trying to save money; it’s a chance to connect with nature everyday. I didn’t install sprinklers because I want to water my plants on my own every day and watch my progress and listen to the birds chirp. It’s a great way to start your day and in the end you have tons of delicious produce to enjoy that you started yourself.
— @_wallybee

22. I love working hard in the garden and seeing all the little pollinators working just as hard as you.
— @reneebelize

23. It’s like my own personal piece of heaven. I grow food for my family and get to hear the praises of how good it smells and tastes and it makes every drop of sweat and aching sore muscle worth it. I can plant whatever I like and grow 42 rose bushes without having to worry someone else thinks my obsession with David Austin is excessive. It reminds me of my childhood summers going to the garden with grandma and her bucket of water and salt shaker in her apron. She would let me help harvest radishes and we would wash them in the bucket of water then dry them on a shirt sleeve and she would salt them and we would crunch away while picking off those “nasty buggers” as she called them, and spend a few hours gathering the rewards of all her hard work. It keeps me centered. If I couldn’t garden or have plants, I would be lost.
— @all6gears

24. It gives me focus about something nurturing and positive. I forget the troubles of the world.
— @cda2blu

25. My garden is like a great friend. We can spend hours together and never tire of each other’s company.
— @topiarylavender

26. My mother taught me to garden vegetables and a few flowers. I get a sense of connection and togetherness when my hands hit the soil.
— @victhomasfeinstien

27. Gardening makes me feel life through time and colors.
— @jaime_87

28. The cares of the world disappear when I dig in the dirt. It’s like being a kid again — the wonders never cease when I’m tending my small plot of land.
— @vintagegypsy45

29. I love watching the things I plant grow. I get immense pleasure from all aspects of gardening.
— @heatherh1968

30. When I began to garden, I found myself again I found what truly makes me happy. My place of peace and my realist connection to God was found outside in my garden.
— @queenglorious

31. I love how gardening lets you completely disconnect from your everyday life for a moment. No phone, no deadlines, and no drama. Priceless.
— @insearchofcalm

32. Gardening brings nostalgia. It’s something I used to do with my mom and grandma, now it’s something I do with my children.
— @duckypimp81

33. Gardening is the best thing I have ever found. Helps me feel alive, passionate, inspired, and motivated. I can’t wait to wake up every morning just to see the progress, the changes and the new beautiful things evolving and blossoming in the garden.
— @carmelbellafarm

34. It gives me peace in a world that has little peace. Visiting the garden is like visiting an old friend.
— @willwadew

35. The quiet moment with nature relaxes me but I always find something to do in my garden. The joy when I find a fruit is priceless.
— @norichan1

36. Gardening reminds me to be present, to be patient, and that things can be perfectly imperfect.
— @lauraellenmcleod

37. It speaks to me and helps me make sense of all the things that life has to teach me.
— @inspiredfarmer

38. Gardening creates an outdoor classroom experience for all ages to learn, grow, and to be themselves. Being able to grow and eat your own food creates a whole new kind of peace, love and appreciation. It has taught me so much. True happiness is digging your hands deep into the earth and pulling a carrot free.
— @thislifewithkoda

39. Gardening connects me with the most important parts of my life. My family, nature, and my spirit all grow equally.
— @zenagriculture

40. While gardening, I forget all worries. I get motivated and inspired, and I learned how to love unconditionally.
— @prabhasaraogiagarwal

41. I just love seeing the seeds sprouting. It’s also very gratifying to be able to eat food you grew.
— @scstar33

42. Gardening is a perfect pace of life. Everyone needs to get outside more and just sit, look and listen. Slow down. Less stress. More sun. More nature. Appreciate what was there before us and nurture it. The world is a beautiful place. All those colours on your phone screen where seen in nature first.
— @etsgardening

43. Gardening is so wonderful for the way it makes you feel. For the connection to wildlife. For the peace it gives you. Namaste.
— @lilysplanet7255

44. Gardening makes me feel more intune with the earth and seasons.
— @griffygriffer

45. It reinforces the positive powers of change, patience and effort. And it’s just fun to still play in the dirt!
— @catethenextchapter

46. It helps to recharge me! Next week is the anniversary of a major earthquake in Christchurch and the garden was a way to provide me as a happy place to go when times were tough (waiting and fighting insurance company, land decisions and government decisions). We lost our home, but it took almost 5 years before I had my own garden again. In that time of 5 years I lived in rentals, with family and in a campervan. But each space I would garden, planted a lot of new plants, grew food for my family in pots and volunteer in my school garden. It so helps you to smile and feel good, grateful when other parts of your life aren’t good.
— @canterburygardenernz

47. Gardening inspires in every walk of life. A touch of nature makes the world kin.
— @gravypurpled

48. I love to grow my own food and have my children help me. We all enjoy it and they see its importance! Plus, the dirt on my hands cleans my heart and soul.
— @gardengirlgretch

49. I love growing everything, from plants to people, but with plants there is a simple honesty that is only close to pets. The more you love and care for your plants, the better they produce. There is a reciprocation of love and duty like no other. I may be weird, but I actually watch my plants grow, talk to them and take time for each plant, showing some tender kindness, while helping them grow strong.
— @_dolfinah_

50. I love gardening because it makes me feel so good to see what I can do with a little love and patience.
— @sweetdiva789

51. It’s my place of zen. I maybe building a new bed or just watering my veggie patch, but it relaxes me and I feel at peace in my garden.
— @northyora

52. It’s so calming and rejuvenating. Like meditation with the added benefit of fresh tomatoes. And sharing our garden bounty with friends and family is so fulfilling!
— @triedandtrueplants

53. It’s like taking care of chickens, it’s therapeutic and healing. Reminds you to slow down, reminds you of what is important.
— @alfjn316

54. Gardening makes me feel brave. After suffering two consecutuve miscarriages, I was unsure of myself in so many ways. But I found strength in gardening. As I sow the seeds and watch them grow into healthy, strong plants, it is no small miracle to me. My garden tells me, “You can do it!” And I believe it’s true.
— @subliminelle

55. My garden is where small things magically turn into miracles. With my intervention the garden can be so many different things and make people feel happy, more relaxed… especially me.
— @ppadgett12

56. It heals my soul. It satisfies my mind. It gives me a reason for being when things are difficult in my life. It’s become a teaching tool for myself, to become more observant, patient, and reflective. It’s taught me that regardless if I make a mistake or two, that it’s all part of gaining the experience and that there is always next year if something doesn’t turn out the way I was hoping.
— @hufflepuffinthegreenhouse

57.  Gardening is my church. What a great way to experience the gifts from God.
— @aprilmckinnoncarter

58. My grandmother taught me about gardening. My first memory of being in the garden with her is when I was about two years old. My grandmother is gone now, but being in my garden brings back wonderful memories and I feel a connection with her. My children are now grown and are starting their own gardens, passing on the gardening baton and my grandmothers legacy.
— @colleentracey9

59. I don’t know what it is exactly but there is something about being outside and getting my hands in the ground and creating something. Gardening has definitely taught me patience and many other life lessons. It has been scientifically proven to be an antidepressant. My favorite is emerging seedlings and the harvest.
— @laurahdezmua

60. The sun, the smells, cutting flowers to bring in, growing food, my daughter getting excited, butterflies emerging, the wonder of life.
— @eyezup777

61. Gardening gives me hope in something unseen, something dreamed, to manifest it in to reality, blows my mind.
— @tara.hopefitness

62. I lose myself and become an ally of the plants in my care.
— @neill.clenaghan

63. We love the innovation and community that gardening brings. It’s a very old and rewarding hobby.
— @tallyhomestead

64. For me, it’s like every day is always a NEW day. Something or somebody has been changing. It’s never been the same. All of us in the garden are growing in a beautiful life circle.
— @organik_edamame

65. Just looking at all plants I’ve grown always make me hopeful and happy.
— @joycecanetr

66. Just to see something grow, I think it’s miraculous!
— @j.a.m.13

67. Gardening stops me thinking about life when I’m digging, weeding, planting. It makes me care more for more things. And the food is a bonus. No chemicals in your food as well.
— @shayneorgee

68. I lose myself in it. After a few minutes the soil, the plants and I are one soul.
— @queenofsummmer

69. It humbles you before the wonder of Mother Nature, plus the joy of hope and surprise.
— @pixelsflow

70. I love gardening because it makes me feel so good to see what I can do with a little love and patience.
— @sweetdiva789

71. Gardening gives me a sense of hope and growth.
— @glovepoppit

72. Gardening gives me hope for a better future.

What about you guys? Comment below and let us know how gardening makes you happy! Remember to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter for more gardening inspiration.