How to Cook Your Winter Vegetables to Get the Best Flavors

Want to truly enjoy your winter vegetables? There are actually certain cooking techniques that will bring out the best possible taste from your crops, but you don’t need to be an expert cook to do them! In fact, the preparation methods are easy so anyone can just follow along.

Now in order to capture the delicious flavors of your winter crops, you’ll have to boil, roast, sauté, or steam them properly. These 4 techniques are often applicable to many vegetables, but some veggies just taste better when you use a particular cooking method.

For instance, cabbage is best enjoyed when boiled in salted water for 15 minutes. Artichokes are at their finest when steamed for 15-20 minutes in a steaming basket, while carrots are simply amazing when they’re roasted for about 30 minutes.

So long as you use the right cooking technique for every winter vegetable, your meals will surely be more delicious and enjoyable. Check out this illustration from SheKnows for an in-depth guide. Don’t forget to share, tweet, and pin it today!

Image Source: SheKnows