How to Grow Eggplants in 10 Easy Steps

Want to try growing delicious eggplants at home? You’re in luck because this article reveals the 10 most effective tips for growing this wonderful vegetable! Eggplants (a.k.a. aubergines) are a fantastic addition to any home garden, and planting different varieties will surely give your more food choices.

So go ahead and begin cultivating your own flavorful eggplants today by applying these easy growing tips below. Don’t forget to CLICK THE SHARE BUTTONS at the bottom to share this post with your friends!

10 Tips for Growing Eggplant

1. Plant where they will get at least 10 hours of direct sunlight.

2. Try growing eggplants in raised beds or pots, which will heat quicker in spring. Leave about 18-24” space between each plant to allow for air to circulate.

3. Mulch immediately after transplanting and keep area around plants weed free.

4. Use cages or wire loops so that the stems do not break in strong winds or due to a heavy fruit load.

5. Make sure your eggplants receive at least 1“-1 1/2” of water a week.

6. When your eggplants bloom, apply more liquid fertilizer and repeat monthly.

7. Your soil should have a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

8. Flea beetles, which chew many tiny holes in leaves, are eggplant’s worst pest.Cover outdoor plants with floating row cover. If plants become infested, spraying Beauveria bassiana or spinosad

9. No pruning required, just remove old withered leaves.

10. You can harvest eggplants when the skin takes on a high gloss. If the eggplant skin becomes dull, the internal seeds are beginning to marture and eggplant may taste bitter when eaten.

Article Source: A Healthy Life for Me