5 Quick Tips for Propagating Your Chili Seeds

Need help with propagating your chili seeds? It may seem hard at first, but it’s actually quite easy! Take note of these quick tips below to guide you in the whole propagation process.

Chilies love to be grown in very warm weather, where the growing season is long. These are the ideal conditions that will allow your seeds to develop well. However, not everyone has access to this kind of environment–so those who live in cooler areas can germinate their chili seeds by using a heated propagator (a machine that mildly produces constant heat for the seeds).

Another way is to place the seeds on the windowsill to get them in contact with sunlight during the day. When nighttime comes, simply move your seed pots to a warmer area in your house.

For more tips on properly propagating your chili seeds, be sure to check out this handy guide from Fix.com. Don’t forget to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest today!


Image Source: fix.com