May Garden Chores

May Garden Holidays
Gardening for Wildlife Month
Gifts from the Garden Month
National Salad Month
May 1: International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day
May 1: National Herb Day
May 1: World Naked Gardening Day
May 2: International Permaculture Day
May 3: Garden Meditation Day
May 7: National Public Gardens Day
May 8: Iris Day
May 13: Tulip Day
May 15: Bring Flowers to Someone Day
May 15: Plant a Lemon Tree Day
May 16: Love a Tree Day
May 19: Plant Something Day
May 20: Flower Day
May 29: Composting Day
May 29: Learn About Composting Day
May 30: Water a Flower Day


Things You Should Do In May

May is one of the most eventful months of the gardening season. All veggie gardens are getting busier this time of year, whether in the north or south of the country. There are even more chores to do now, and it’s best to complete them before summer makes it too uncomfortable to garden outside. Here are the general garden tasks you can do for the lovely month of May.

Keep the Weeds at Bay
Pulling young weeds early on will help control weed growth in your garden. The sooner you get rid of the invaders, the less you’ll have to deal with them later in the season.

Mulch Naturally
Mulch has many incredible uses for gardening. Not only does it help suppress weeds but it also enhances the soil and retain moisture. This means you can achieve a healthier garden with less time spent on watering and weeding. From grass clippings, compost and shredded leaves to straw, pine needles and wood chips, there are plenty of natural mulches to choose from.

Enjoy Planting Your Garden
Depending where you live, you may have already finished planting or just beginning the process. Either way, you can still grow more varieties in your garden space. Find out your region’s last frost date and enjoy planting warm-season favorites. 

Apply Organic Fertilizer
Give your plants a nice boost by feeding them some organic fertilizer this season. Don’t forget to include your houseplants too!

Acclimatize Indoor Plants
Speaking of houseplants, you can gradually bring them outside so they can get used to the warmer weather. Place them in a shaded area that gets filtered bright light – make sure they don’t receive direct sunlight and they’ll be happy. 

Keep Your Compost Pile Active
Turn your pile if you haven’t done so already. Once it has completely decomposed, apply it in the garden for the best results. You can also begin a new pile for a continuous supply of compost. 

Install Plant Supports
Set up stakes and trellises to provide early support for annuals and perennials that need them. 

Check for Ticks
As soon as you return from gardening outdoors, it is recommended that you: inspect your body thoroughly for ticks, put your clothes into the dryer, then get in the shower. This will reduce the chances of getting ticks. Remember to inspect kids and pets as well for any sign of tick infection.

Start This Season’s Garden Journal
It’s always a great idea to document your progress for every gardening season. Whether you write in a notebook or use an app, journaling helps you identify key issues, anticipate needs and plan accordingly. Take notes and pictures of your garden, find out what you can improve and you will see yourself grow as a better gardener with each year that passes.